- TIPER® is a big data technology-driven Security Indicator that allows investors to place an objective, real-time value on the actual and future loss potential of any financial product in the world.
- TIPER® indicates the risk (degree of loss potential) of a product by taking into account market facts such as:

- TIPER® combines mathematical modeling, market facts, product intelligence and uses the latest big data technology to generate a single evaluation between 0.00%-99.99% (high to low loss potential).
- TIPER® considers products characteristics such as future risk, contagion and systemic risk critical to Investor Protection.
TIPER® Specifications
- TIPER® indicates objectively the risk (degree of loss potential) of a product at a specific time. (i.e. how much loss potential am I facing / what is the investment quality of the product)
- TIPER® indicates the risk level of a product (i.e. what is my specific loss potential at this time)
- TIPER® indicates a degree of loss potential. (i.e. a rise in the security level from 0% to 33% means the degree of loss potential has decreased by 1/3)
- TIPER® is expressed as a single security level. (i.e. 0-100)
- TIPER® is comprehensible to the layman. (i.e. expressed as a percentage)
- Any absolute TIPER® value indicates a similar risk level across all product categories. (i.e. a 45% security level must have a similar significance/meaning for bonds as for structured products)
- Any variation of the TIPER® value indicates a similar variation of the risk level across all product categories. (i.e. a drop in the security level from 100% to 50% shall be understood in a way that the risk level of the product has been increased by half for any product)
- TIPER® is based on real time data to be able to express itself in real time with streaming capacity. (i.e. continuous real time / live information)
- TIPER® takes into account any change in market facts. (i.e. price, liquidity, volatility)
- TIPER® takes into account the following market facts: price, liquidity, volatility, no data.
- TIPER® takes into account the function / components of a product. (ie. structured products, hybrids and derivatives)
- TIPER® takes into account the underlying(s) of a product when the underlying(s) is/are categorized as a retail investment product (i.e. funds, structured products)
- TIPER® provider must be able to indicate the cause(s) of an important increase or decrease in the risk level of a financial product. (i.e. price, liquidity, volatility)
- TIPER® provider must be able to justify the value and variation of the security level to the authorities.
- TIPER® is produced by an independent party not involved in the transaction, recommendation, analysis or issuance of financial products.
- TIPER® value, date and time can be displayed next to the product.(i.e. Siemens Share 76% 2015-12-17 17:30:00)
- TIPER® to be shown, mentioned and explained to the client when discussing an investment
- TIPER® history is accessible with at least 3 years history when available
- TIPER® is updated at least once daily.
Legal Compliance MiFID II / Investor Protection
- TIPER® follows the MiFID II regime since 2011 allowing it to represent a true interpretation of the directives.
- The wording, definition, meaning and context of TIPER® product specifications and concept is 100% in line with MiFID II / Investor Protection delegated directives.
- TIPER® considers products characteristics such as future risk, contagion and systemic risk critical to Investor Protection.
- Influential MiFID II Legislators and Regulators consider TIPER® as a true solution to Investor Protection.
MiFID II Product Manufacturers and Distributors
Article 16 (3) of MiFID II requires product manufactures to "maintain, operate and review a process for the approval of a new financial instrument and significant adaptations of existing financial instruments". It "shall specify an identified target market of end clients within the relevant category of clients for each financial instrument and shall ensure that all relevant risks to such identified target market are assessed and that the intended distribution strategy is consistent with the identified target market". Furthermore, the financial instruments that are manufactured must be reviewed regularly.
Product governance rules apply to all products sold on primary and secondary markets, irrespective of the type of product or service provided and of the requirements applicable at point of sale” (cf. recital 18). Article 9 of this delegated directive comes with a whole range of precise requirements to be fulfilled by all product manufactures.
Relevant links to MiFID II (2015)
- Link to the Official Journal (L 173/349):
- Link to ESMA Homepage:
- Link to European Council’s approval of the final compromise text:
- Link to the Official Journal (L 352):